Wine, as you know, is such a refined and complex beverage that it deserves some special and justified attention. Discover with us how to hold a glass correctly!

How to hold the glass according to etiquette?

According to etiquette, the wine glass should be held by the stem, or by the base, with three fingers.

Why is it important to hold the glass by the stem?

There are three main reasons:

  • To avoid warming the wine: the heat from your fingers can alter the temperature of the wine, affecting its taste and aroma.
  • To avoid dirtying the glass: your fingers can leave grease marks on the surface of the glass, which can then be transferred to the wine.
  • To maintain formal elegance: holding the glass by the stem is considered more elegant and refined.

How to hold a white wine glass?

White wines are generally served at a cooler temperature than red wines. For this reason, it is important to hold the white wine glass by the stem to avoid warming the wine.

In addition, white wines often have delicate aromas that can be easily altered by the heat of your fingers.

How to hold a red wine glass?

Red wines are generally served at a warmer temperature than white wines. For this reason, it is possible to hold the red wine glass by the base, as long as you are careful not to warm the wine too much.

In addition, red wines often have intense aromas that can be masked by the heat of your fingers.


Holding the wine glass in the correct way is a small gesture that can make a difference in the tasting experience.

So, are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey to the Prosecco Hills? Contact us at to start planning your Italian escapade, filled with elegance and vinous delights.


Prosecco DOC Extra Dry

DOC Extra Dry Millesimato

Organic wine

Fine and persistent perlage, inebriated with floral aromas of broom and gentian with a vegetal note of sage and mint, enlivened by fruity aromas of grapefruit, pineapple and golden apple. Soft, savoury and persistent on the palate, pleasantly lively and light.
