Prosecco is one of the most popular wines globally, cherished for its fresh and delicate taste. Below, you’ll find answers to the top ten most frequently asked questions.

What is Prosecco?

Prosecco is an Italian sparkling wine primarily produced in the regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. It’s made from Glera grapes and is known for its sparkling and aromatic character.

What is the Origin of Prosecco?

Prosecco originated in the hilly region of Conegliano Valdobbiadene, where winemaking tradition dates back centuries. Today, it’s a UNESCO World Heritage recognized production area.

What is the Alcohol Content of Prosecco?

Prosecco usually has an alcohol content ranging from 10% to 12%, making it a light and refreshing wine, perfect for celebrations or social gatherings.

How is Prosecco Produced?

Prosecco is mainly produced using the Charmat method, where fermentation occurs in large pressurized tanks. This method preserves the wine’s fresh and lively aromatic characteristics.

What are the Characteristics of Prosecco?

Prosecco is distinguished by its bright straw color, floral and fruity aromas, and fresh taste with a pleasant sparkling note. It’s generally dry or slightly sweet.

Where is Prosecco Produced?

The main production areas for Prosecco are Conegliano Valdobbiadene and Asolo, but Prosecco vineyards can also be found in other regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.

What are the Main Types of Prosecco?

Extra Brut: The driest type, with residual sugar less than 6 grams per liter (g/L). Brut: A dry type, with residual sugar less than 12 g/L. Extra Dry: Despite the name, Extra Dry is slightly sweet, with residual sugar between 12 and 17 g/L. Dry: Sweeter than Extra Dry, with residual sugar between 17 and 32 g/L.

What’s the Difference Between Prosecco DOC and Prosecco DOCG?

Prosecco DOC is a controlled designation of origin, while Prosecco DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) is the highest qualification, reserved for outstanding products.

How is Prosecco Properly Served?

Prosecco is generally served chilled, at a temperature of 6-8 degrees Celsius, in the appropriate glass to fully appreciate its bubbles and aromas.

How Long Can Prosecco be Stored?

Prosecco is meant to be consumed fresh and young, usually within 1-2 years of production. It’s not an aging wine, so it’s best enjoyed in its freshness.

Now armed with knowledge about Prosecco, you’re ready to enjoy this extraordinary wine in all its splendor. Raise your glass and toast to life with a sip of sparkling, refreshing Prosecco!

Curious about trying organic Prosecco? Contact us at

Prosecco DOC Extra Dry

DOC Extra Dry Millesimato

Organic wine

Fine and persistent perlage, inebriated with floral aromas of broom and gentian with a vegetal note of sage and mint, enlivened by fruity aromas of grapefruit, pineapple and golden apple. Soft, savoury and persistent on the palate, pleasantly lively and light.
