How much does Prosecco consumption affect our diet? Learn how many calories are in Prosecco and how to choose how much wine to consume consciously for the diet.

A legitimate question

On the one hand, as the saying goes, a glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away. On the other hand, it is important to remember that the calories in wine can have their own impact on people’s health. It should be remembered, in fact, that ethanol has a caloric content because it is the final result of the fermentation of sugars; moreover, alcohols provide empty calories, or calories with no nutritional value. Finally, it is always important to keep in mind that wine is rightfully included in the Mediterranean diet: therefore, exorcising the calories in wine, when consumed in small quantities, seems slightly exaggerated.

Category differences

Different types of wine contain different amounts of sugar and, consequently, different caloric content; moreover, the higher the alcohol content of the wine, the higher the caloric intake. For information purposes, two fundamental aspects are highlighted: in the case of red wine, a higher caloric content is found and, the sweeter the wine, the more calories are contained in it.

Disciplining the matter

To help consumers, the European Parliament is drafting a bill that would require producers to include the caloric content of wine on the label, as is done for food. In addition, recent studies have analyzed the caloric impact of wine: what results is that abuse is harmful to health due to the impact, in the long term, of empty calories.

An example of the caloric content of Prosecco

To calculate the caloric content of a wine, four parameters must be taken into account:

  • Alcohol content
  • Amount of wine
  • Specific gravity of alcohol (0.79 kg/l)
  • Energy value of alcohol (7 cal./gr)

Using the formula that allows you to estimate the caloric intake, let’s calculate the calories in a Prosecco DOC.

  • Alcohol content: 11% vol.
  • 100 ml (one glass)
  • 0.79 gr/ml

The formula to use is as follows:

(11×0.79×7)+(0.79×4)=63 calories

In this case, the caloric content of a glass of wine is negligible.

So, are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey to the Prosecco Hills? Contact us at to start planning your Italian escapade, filled with elegance and vinous delights.

Prosecco DOC Extra Dry

DOC Extra Dry Millesimato

Organic wine

Fine and persistent perlage, inebriated with floral aromas of broom and gentian with a vegetal note of sage and mint, enlivened by fruity aromas of grapefruit, pineapple and golden apple. Soft, savoury and persistent on the palate, pleasantly lively and light.
